
音标/读音 [kwit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 离开, 辞职, 停止
vt. 离开, 放弃, 使解除, 停止
n. 离开
[计] 结束, 退出

v put an end to a state or an activity
v give up or retire from a position
v go away or leave
v turn away from; give up
v give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat



What's that, I can't quite... I can't quite make it out.

还有什么 我 我闻不出来

You quit out here, you quit in a game.

你现在放弃 你在比赛里就会放弃

You can't quit! I refuse to let you quit.

你不能退出 我不许你退出

Quitting is an option? I want to quit.

原来可以辞职的吗 我想辞职

Yeah, that was quite a quite a thing.

是 那件事...可是不小

I heard you were quitting. I heard you did quit.

我听说你不干了 我听说你已经不干了

She quit, or she was fired? I think she quit.

她请辞了 还是被炒了 她应该是请辞了

Well, that's too bad, because if you're not quitting, I'm not quitting.

那就糟了 因为如果你不放弃 我也不会放弃

Even lovely students are being actually quite disrespectful, and that's been quite a shock to us and quite disappointing to us.

但即便那些乖孩子也特别不尊师重道 这令我们十分震惊 也感到非常失望

You shamed your mom into quitting, who shamed my mom into quitting and then everyone else quit and now the whole thing's canceled.

你羞辱*让她放弃 她羞辱我妈让她放弃 然后所有人都放弃了 现在整场演出都取消了