
音标/读音 ['pilgrim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 旅行者, 朝圣者, 香客
vi. 朝圣

n. someone who journeys in foreign lands
n. one of the colonists from England who sailed to America on the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620
n. someone who journeys to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion



there were wealthy pilgrims and there were poor pilgrims and this is where many of them would have slept.

朝圣者里有富人 也有穷人 许多人就睡在这里

And it was there to tempt pilgrims, of course, but I suspect it was also there partly because that's what some of the pilgrims wanted.

无疑这里就是她们诱惑朝圣者之地 不过我持有一定的怀疑 因为这也是一些朝圣者想要的

So sometimes merchants pretended to be pilgrims, and sometimes pilgrims were unlawfully charged when they should have been allowed to travel for free.

很多时候商人会装成朝圣者 有时候真正该享受免费的朝圣者 反而会被非法征收费用

Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hands too much which mannerly devotion shows in this for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch.

朝圣者 你太错怪自己的双手 它们已展现最虔诚的心意 圣人的手本就允许朝圣者触碰

We are repaying them for what they do for the pilgrims.


The capitol is waiting for the pilgrims.


It would have been a huge shock to pilgrims arriving here.


I was following in the footsteps of some of our most famous pilgrims.

我跟随着一些 最著名的朝圣者的脚步

These badges were sold to pilgrims at shrines.


to keep the weary pilgrim on the road.
