
音标/读音 ['sә:kitri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 电路学, 电路系统
[电] 一环路

n. electronic equipment consisting of a system of circuits



And together, we refer to this circuitry as the paralimbic circuitry of the brain.

我们把这整个回路称为 大脑的旁边缘回路

I did know you weren't made of circuitry.


No no circuitry, no nothing magnetic.

上面没有电路 也不带磁

It's not my fault he fried his circuitry.


Uh, no no circuitry, no nothing magnetic.

上面没有电路 也不带磁

There's no record of the synapses that would have created a dream in his circuitry.

没有记录显示 有能给他的电路创造梦境的突触

Just cold circuitry and a thirst for revenge.

Dialogue: 0,0:10:25.14,0:10:27.98,*Default,NTP,0000,0000,0000,,只有冰冷的电路系统和对复仇的渴求

The modern circuitries, they got blown out by the flare.

当代电子线路 受耀斑影响烧毁了

If the beam doesn't fry my suit's circuitry first.


You know, the radiation degrades the phone's circuitry.

你知道的 辐射会影响手机电路的寿命