
音标/读音 [dai]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 颜料, 染料
vt. 染, 染色
vi. 被着色

n. a usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair
v. color with dye



These are all the locations where the dye has been spotted.


I remember when she bought this dye.


You can tell it's him from the dye on his face.


He'll most likely cut his hair, dye it.

他很可能会把头发剪了 并且染了

Max, I think you dye your moustache.

麦克斯 我觉得你的胡子是染的

Sure. It's nothing. It's just a dye.

好啊 没什么大不了 就是染色剂

except, he dyes it blue for some reason.

不知为何 他把冰毒染成蓝的了

I ordered your hair dye and it has been delivered.

我给你订了染发剂 已经送到家了

That was the company that selects your hair dye.


I've got hair to dye and some skin to spraytan.

我要染头发 还要皮肤防晒