
音标/读音 [dʒein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 简(女子名)

n. A coin of Genoa; any small coin.
n. A kind of twilled cotton cloth. See Jean.



Jane, don't do this, not without me.

简 别这么做 别扔下我这么做

Jane was about to tell them about her grandmother.


Jane, you are essential to our study.

简 你对于我们的研究十分重要

Jane, I can't wait to hear what you've been up to.

简 我迫不及待想听听你最近都在忙什么

Jane, you would find him very interesting.

简 你会对这个人很感兴趣的

Jane is doing the job that we asked her to do.


Jane is heading out on a case and so are we.

简外出查案去了 我们也正要走

Jane, I don't have time for this, baby.

简 我没时间和你扯 宝贝

No, I'm not leaving, I'm not telling jane.

不 我不走 我才不要告诉简

Jane, I'm in a relationship with a woman.

简 我在和一个女人谈恋爱