
音标/读音 ['infrә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 在下, 以后
[法] 在下, 以下

r (in writing) see below



Her skull shows damage to the infra and supraorbital margins and zygomatic process.

头骨显示眼眶上下周 和颧突都有损伤

It's great, you know, just by putting a little camera in there you, the first thing I see is some new behaviour that I've never known about and obviously, you know, you could never do that without using a little infra red camera to do the job for you.

这太棒了 你知道 只在里面放了一台微型摄影机 最先看到的就是我所不了解的 翠鸟的行为习惯 而且很显然 要是没有微型红外摄影机 这是绝不可能实现的