
音标/读音 ['mauntinsaid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 山腹, 山腰

n. the side or slope of a mountain



We better pitch our camp down the mountainside.


So it must be sizable underground or on a mountainside.

所以此处应大小适宜 位于地下或山腹

The company built a facility into the mountainside.


The more weight that's put on them, the more firmly they're rooted into the mountainside.

它们承受的重量越大 就越牢固地扎入山体

That light source is a laser, which it bounces off the mountainside.

这个光源是一束激光 它会从山坡上反射回来

There's a tunnel beneath the workshop, running deep into the mountainside.

车间下面有条隧道 笔直通向山腹深处

These aerials don't indicate a single tunnel in the whole mountainside.

航拍没显示出 整个山腰有任何地道

That tunnel, it runs two and a half miles into the mountainside.

那条隧道 通向山腰2.5英里的地方

This tunnel runs 3.5 miles deep into the mountainside.

这个隧道得有3.5英里长 直到山脚下

The mountainsides are pockmarked with robber holes, that is, illegal excavations carried out by looters.

山坡上布满了坑洞 这些都是掠夺者非法挖掘留下的