
音标/读音 [dis'pætʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 派遣
n. 派遣, 急件
[计] 调度

n. an official report (usually sent in haste)
n. the act of sending off something
n. the property of being prompt and efficient
n. killing a person or animal



One of the things road patrol officers frequently do is call in to dispatch and give the dispatcher the license plate number of a car they've stopped or a car that looks out of place for some reason.

巡警们经常做的一件事之一 就是联系调度中心 给调度员呈报他们所拦截下的车辆 或是可疑车辆的车牌号

All you have to do is dispatch the sonofabitch.


It's me again. I'm getting nothing from dispatch.

还是我 联系不到调度处

I do not wish it to be mentioned in dispatches.


I couldn't be sure any of my messages had been dispatched.


I have some correspondence to dispatch if you'll excuse me.

如果你们不介意的话 我有些急信要发

It would be a blessed release if you were to dispatch him.

如果你能除掉他 我只会觉得如释重负

I've been dispatched to collect you when you're done.

我被叫来接你 如果你这边都结束了

Roger, dispatch. I'll be right back.

收到 调度 我马上回来

None have been officially dispatched in that grid.
