
音标/读音 ['stєәwei]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 楼梯, 阶梯

n. a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps



Even though a gorgeous and very explicit hieroglyphic stairway was built here, it was built on poor fills, so it was a castle built on sand, and with time, eventually, it did decay and the stairway itself collapsed in a heap at the bottom of the pyramid.

尽管在这里建造了一排 华美而精致的象形文字石阶 但它是建在差劲的填料上的 所以这就是个沙子做基石的城堡 随着时间流逝 它终于腐朽 然后石阶本身 垮塌成一堆废墟堆在金字塔底

The stairway itself is a monumental statement.


There should be a stairway just left of where you are.


The stairways were so crowded, you could hardly move.

楼梯挤满了人 几乎没法移动

There are blocked stairways behind the council hall.


Pointed out where their cabin was in relation to the stairways, restaurants.

告诉他们他们的船舱 和楼梯 餐馆的相对方位

The south stairway's comprised from the eighth floor down.


Okay, I'll double back, use the other stairway.

好的 我折返回去 用另一边的楼梯

Keep following the stairways down, down as far as they'll go.

沿着台阶下去 下到最深处

We need a picture of him sneaking out the back stairway.
