
音标/读音 [in'kɒmpitәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无能力的, 无资格的, 机能不全的, 不胜任的
n. 无能力者

n. someone who is not competent to take effective action
a. legally not qualified or sufficient
a. not qualified or suited for a purpose
s. not doing a good job



Some are run by incompetents, but not all.

有些是无能之人在管理 但并不全是

That's how incompetent a killer you are.


We are in this situation because of her incompetence.


This report is as incompetent as any I've seen.


She's a complete incompetent if you ask me.


They're drunks and incompetents. I want you.

都是些笨蛋酒鬼 我需要你

We have no excuse, other than we're utterly incompetent.

我們沒有借口 除了我們完全是廢物

They deem her incompetent, she won't be convicted.

他们认为她无能力参加庭审 她不会被定罪

When you reward incompetence, we all lose.

一旦奖励无能 我们就输了

And she would take it from you if she saw your incompetence.

要是她看到你这么无能 肯定会收回你的领导权