
音标/读音 ['hemәrɔid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 痔, 痔疮
[医] 痔

n. pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter



I had a... hemorrhoid, and it burst.

我得了 痔瘡 然后破了

Not that I know anything about hemorrhoids, because I do not.

我倒不是对痔疮有多了解啦 我真的一无所知

From your glutteral lean, it says you have hemorrhoids.

从你的坐姿来看 你有痔疮

Oh, I could so see you being the face of hemorrhoids.


I got a callback for a hemorrhoid commercial.


Bobby, I was so upset about that, that I got an ulcer and hemorrhoids from it.

鲍比 我实在是太难过了 因此还得了溃疡和痔疮

Ooh, I forgot my sweet hemorrhoid doughnut I scored.


'cause I can always bring in my hemorrhoid pillow.


My feet swell at night, hurts like a hemorrhoid.

我的脚在晚上肿了 像痔疮一样疼

Oh, uh, I just got a little hemorrhoid, that's all.

噢 呃 我就是有点犯痔疮了