
音标/读音 ['nɒ:dik]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 北欧人, 日耳曼民族, 北欧两项滑雪
a. 北欧人的, 日耳曼民族的, 北欧两项滑雪的

a. of or relating to or constituting the Scandinavian group of languages
a. relating to Germany and Scandinavia
s. resembling peoples of Scandinavia



Those nordic types, they have no respect for fresh linens.

典型的北歐人 一點都不尊重剛洗的床單

Nordic noir dramas have us glued to our screens.


Nordic neo noir dramas have us glued to our screens.


Nordic crime dramas and ate potato chips for a month.

看北欧犯罪剧 吃了一个月的薯片

But if my Irma were to tragically predecease me, that nordic goddess would certainly improve the gene pool.

不过要是伊尔玛不幸先我而去的话 我倒不介意让那位北欧女神 改善一下我家族的基因

Yeah, well, nothing says "I'm multicultural" like my rich, blond, nordic daughter.

是啊 没有什么比我的白富美千金 更能说明我支持多元文化了

I know that you know that I've recently become available and I'm up to 10 minutes a day on the old nordic track.

我明白你知道最近我重回情场 而且我每天都要在旧跑步机上跑个十分钟

While you sit here and dream about perfect nordic teeth, hundreds of millions of incredibly untaxed dollars are being spent on bolita, numbers, cards, and sport book.

当你坐在这儿 幻想北欧女神的朱唇齿白时 有着成百上千万的黑钱 流通在轮盘 牌九 和赌球里