
音标/读音 [kә:k]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 教会, 苏格兰教会

n. a Scottish church



Kirk thought it would help him, and it got him killed.

科克也以为以太能帮他 结果却害死了自己

Kirk and I ran into each other one night at a bar.


Kirk was in a motorcycle accident last year.


Kirk was sent to me by my late hu*and's... friends.


Kirk's photographs show the world as a more beautiful place than it is.

Kirk拍的照片里的世界 是一个比起原本要更为美丽的地方

Kirk's always going out into the desert for days at a time.


Kirk's disease prevents his body from producing enough blood cells.

柯克的病导致他的身体 无法制造足够的血液细胞

Kirk's not gonna hurt her as long as he needs her stem cells to survive.

只要柯克还需要她的干细胞 来救命 那么他就不会伤害她

Kirk was stuck in this, like, frozen time ribbon thing and he was repeatedly living the happiest part of his life for decades.

柯克被困在一个 冻结的时间带上 然后他重复经历 他一生最快乐的时光 就这么过了几十年