
音标/读音 ['^reitә(r)]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 大的

a. greater in size or importance or degree



Greater storms, greater floods, greater heat waves, extreme sea level rises.

更大的风暴 更烈的洪水 更强的热浪 海水潮位的极端上涨

There is no greater revelation imaginable, no greater scientific discovery.

没有比这个更伟大的启示 和更伟大的科学发现

Well, you'll join me in a greater plan for the greater good.

你与我为伍就是为了更巨大的利益 去谋划一个更长远的计划

Except when I made these moves, you knew there was a greater plan, a greater enemy.

只是一般我有所行动的时候 你们就知道是有大案子 大目标了

Now, I think what you originally said, that we have a greater responsibility, is right, but we also have a greater responsibility to ourselves, too.

我觉得你一开始说的 我们有更重大的责任 是对的 但我们也对自己有更重大的责任

And if we have a beam of these neutrons going through this, each level will cause a greater and greater twisting of the spin.

如果让一束这样的中子从此中穿过 就应该能测量出自旋扭曲的程度

Now, I am committed to supporting our security services by giving them greater powers to confront greater threats.

我坚决支持给予我们的安全部门更多权力 让他们去应对更大的威胁

The absence of an index finger put greater pressure behind the ball at point of release, giving it greater spin.

没有食指的作用力 球的后部将受力更大 那样球出手时旋转幅度也就更大

Teach is a formidable opponent, but his ship is weakened, and my men can attack from three directions with greater numbers with greater discipline.

蒂奇是个可畏的对手 但他的战舰装备较差 我方能从三个方向展开进攻 人数占优 且队伍更加精良

We believe in something greater than ourselves, and that by following our strict warrior code, we believe that our faiths and our traditions are a way to a greater path the pppath of the warrior.

我们相信更强大的自己 只要严格遵守战士的法则 我们的信仰和传统 能让我们成为更强大的战士