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◎ 单词释义

n. 马尾辫

n. a hair style that draws the hair back so that it hangs down in back of the head like a pony's tail



But my so, my mom was cheating on my dad with this guy who had a really long, gross, gray ponytail, like a sex commune ponytail.

但我妈妈的出轨对象 他留着又长又恶心的灰色马尾辫 *社团的人留的那种

Unobtainium and characters who fornicate with their ponytails.


Betty's ponytail is iconic and beyond reproach.

贝蒂的马尾可是她的标志 不能挑衅

I'm not wearing my hair in a ponytail 'cause I love it.


Burt, fat guys with ponytails can be dangerous, too.

伯特 扎着小辫的肥佬也有不好惹的

Plus a ponytail for women to not leave hair behind.

女人要绑上辫子 以免头发掉落

Look, if you're afraid for any reason, take off your ponytail holder.

不管怎样 如果你受到了威胁 取下你的马尾辫发饰

And you, take your hair out of that ponytail and make it look more festive.

你 放下马尾 弄得更喜庆些

Never actually talked to him, but I respect the courage it takes to have that ponytail.

虽然从没跟他说过话 但他留马尾的勇气我很赞赏

I don't have red hair, nor broad shoulders, or a blonde ponytail, for that matter.

我没有红头发 没有宽阔的肩膀 也没有金色的马尾