
音标/读音 ['bai,pedəl,bai'pe-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 两足的

a. having two feet



It's not a person. It's a fully synthetic bipedal quantum computer.

这不是人 这是一台完全合成的 两足量子电脑

Her pelvis has changed, it's become adapted to bipedali*, to twolegged walking.

她的骨盆也发生变化 变得更适于直立行走 更适于双腿行走

This is really important because it means that there isn't a constraint on how wide the pelvis is in terms of being efficient at bipedali*.

这非常重要 因为这表示 骨盆的宽度并没有 受到直立行走效率的影响

But as their forests shrank, some of them developed the trait that we take for granted bipedali* walking on two legs.

但随着森林萎缩 它们中的一部分 拥有了我们不以为然的能力 用两条腿走路