

音标/读音 [ai'dilik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 田园诗的, 牧歌的, 悠闲的

s. excellent and delightful in all respects
s. suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple and serene



It's a tough but idyllic life up here.


Muriel's life wasn't all that idyllic either.


You think of these idyllic, tropical islands and you couldn't be further from the truth.

你想象中的热带岛屿都是平静美好的 但现实与你的想象差得十万八千里

And now a rather quiet and peaceful spot... Idyllic.

现在成为安静平和之地 田园般的

And I'm sure these idyllic settings have always been a part of her appeal.

我确信这些田园诗般的场景设定 也一直是她小说的迷人之处

Yeah, a little idyll in the woods, while rome is burning.

大难临头 你却在这享受田园生活

Describes an idyllic summer there at a baronial dacha on the river.

描写了河边豪华乡间别墅的 夏日田园风光

Much to my chagrin, I'm in your idyllic, sunny little town.

很不幸 我在你的田園陽光小鎮里

But it always looks so idyllic, when I look down and see you through the parlour window in the evenings.

但你们看上去总是那么美好 当我晚上透过客厅窗户看到你们的时候

Ones who find comfort not in a happy memory or some idyllic place they dreamed of going.

他们并不没有沉浸在美好的回忆中 或者在某个田园诗般的地方