
音标/读音 ['mæstәdɒn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 乳齿象

n. extinct elephant-like mammal that flourished worldwide from Miocene through Pleistocene times; differ from mammoths in the form of the molar teeth



The man may have lost a few pounds, but he has all the grace of a drunken mastodon.

他的体重是轻了几磅 但还是像喝多了的大象一样

Yeah,only thing inside her is dust and undigested mastodon meat.


He was digging for mastodon bones when he discovered an ancient manuscript instead.

他在挖掘乳齿象的骨头的时候 意外发现了一份古代的手稿

That hard to define male bond born in the age of the neanderthal when men still hunted mastodon with flint and spears.

很难定义男人之间的纽带 起源于尼安德特人时期 那时候男人依然用打火石和长矛猎杀乳齿象