
音标/读音 [.eiә'rәubiks]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 有氧运动法;增氧健身法

n. exercise that increases the need for oxygen



Not for me early aerobics class tomorrow.

我不行 明早還有健身課

First of all, step aerobics is exhausting.

首先 有氧踏板操很累人

She was a flight attendant who taught aerobics on the side.

她曾是个空姐 *教健美操

No, you needed a warm body, like that aerobic instructor.

不 你只是需要一具温暖胴体 像那个健美操教练一样

You know, II started my own water aerobics class.


Oh, and good luck finding an aerobics class.

还有 要能找到一个健美操班算你走运

I got my water aerobics and my salsa dancing and my bowling league.

我得去做水上有氧跟跳萨尔萨舞 还有保龄球队联赛

If you must know, I was doing my water aerobics, and my swimming cap fell off.

如果你真想知道 我本来是在做水中有氧 然后我的泳帽掉了

Maybe if you had just mentioned the pottery class or water aerobics, she would have gone for it.

你要是随便 提一下陶艺课 或是水上健身 她可能就同意了

Shelly lent me some new aerobics video that I'm gonna try out in a little bit.

雪莉借给我一些新的健美操视频 我打算试一试