
音标/读音 ['hwitl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 逐渐削薄, 削整, 削弱, 削减
vi. 削木头
n. 大刀, 屠刀

n. English aeronautical engineer who invented the jet aircraft engine (1907-1996)
v. cut small bits or pare shavings from



You start with this, you whittle it down to what's realistic.

先这么开始 再削减到现实的程度

By the way, I whittled those for hours.

顺便一提 我削木头花了好几个小时

It's been whittled down to seven, the winners from each group.

现在只剩下七把 小组冠军枪

You know, we could have a catch, whittle a stick.

我们可以玩接球 削木棍

Gonna take a few hours to whittle down.


One way to do that, whittle down the competition.

其中一个方法是 削减竞争对手

Whittling is for the lame of mind, motherly daughter.

木匠活是给*准备的 管家婆闺女

The hard part is when is when you whittle it down to two options.

而真正艰难的是... 在你只剩两条路可走的时候

He taught me how to fish, skip stones, whittle.

他教我钓鱼 扔石子 削木头

I tried whittling, but I kept cutting the shit out of myself.

我试过剪裁 但我总是伤到自己