
音标/读音 ['beislis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无根据的

s. without a basis in reason or fact



At the moment, that is a baseless assumption.

此刻 这是毫无根据的设想

He is mired by baseless accusations of corruption.


And, like the baseless fabric of this vision.


Your accusations are outrageous and completely baseless.

你的指控非常无礼 而且毫无根据

It would be toxic for all of us, even if it turns out to be baseless.

即使最后证明没有什么关系 它对我们也损害极大

We ask that you bring this baseless campaign to its conclusion.

我们请求您终结这 毫无根据的*

Hardly baseless, given how you made your fortune.

不能說無端 就你獲得財富的方式而言

This will be toxic for all of us even if it turns out to be baseless.

即使最后证明没有什么关系 它对我们也损害极大

The prosecutor chooses which cases are baseless and which accusations are racist.

檢察官決定哪些案子是站不住腳的 哪些控告是出于種族歧視

Please tell me it wasn't so you could hurl baseless claims that you can't prove at my client.

希望你不要把时间浪费在 这些无法证明与我委托人有关的 莫须有的言论上