
音标/读音 ['naiilizm]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 虚无主义, 无政府主义
[医] 虚无妄想; 虚无主义

n. a revolutionary doctrine that advocates destruction of the social system for its own sake
n. complete denial of all established authority and institutions



It's ultimate message is a rejection of nihili*.


But you can't look at punk unless you understand that its nihili* and its anarchy was the seeds of its own destruction.

但你不要去听朋克 除非你明白 朋克的虚无主义和无政府主义 正是它自我毁灭的种子

But there was a growing sense by 1978 that punk's nihili* and attitude was becoming nothing more than a costume.

1978年时 有一种观念逐渐兴起 批判朋克的无政府主义和态度 仅仅变成了一种服装风格而已

In a world where there was so much nihili* and cynici*, the law was a crystal guide, a path forward.

在一个充满虚无主义和犬儒主义的世界里 法律原本是清晰的规定 前进的道路

People will die, others will get sick, and it will all be to advance the cause of hate and nihili*.

有人会死 有人会生病 而这一切都会加剧仇恨和恐怖行为

Omnia per ipsum facta sunt et sine ipso factum est nihil quod factum est.

万物皆由其所造 无他则无万物