
音标/读音 ['ritʃuәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 仪式, 典礼, 宗教仪式
a. 仪式的, 依仪式进行的

n. any customary observance or practice
n. the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
n. stereotyped behavior
a. of or relating to or characteristic of religious rituals



It's not about me. It's about the ritual.

这不是为了我 这是为了仪式

If this is because of the ritual, I did it too.

如果是因为那个仪式 那我也做了

What are you doing? It's a binding ritual.

你做什么 是个缔结仪式

But we all need a ritual, and this was hers.

但我们都需要一种形式 而这是她的

Yes, but the ritual itself is dangerous.

对 但是这个仪式很危险

Tell me about these rituals that you perform.


That's a mating ritual in some cultures.

在某些文化中 那是求偶方式

Knowing you, it's some sort of ritual.

以我对你的了解 这就像是某种仪式

You assisted in the ritual and I am very thankful.

你在仪式中帮了忙 这我很感激

No, no, no, I'm serious. It's my pregame ritual.

不 我是认真的 这是我的赛前仪式