
音标/读音 [ri'bekә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 丽贝卡(女子名)

n (Old Testament) wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau



Rebekah, you should be on the other side of the world by now.

丽贝卡 你应该现在在世界的另一头了

Rebekah, we are all devastated by the outcome of this ritual.

丽贝卡 这次献祭的结果大家都不愿意看到

Rebekah was so kind to me in the weeks after the beating.

在他打完我之后几周 丽贝卡对我非常好

Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic.

丽贝卡的行踪已经 被强大的魔法所隐藏

Rebekah, you and I both know what mother is capable of.

丽贝卡 你我都知道母亲的能耐

Rebekah's punishment won't be complete until she watches you die.

看着你死 丽贝卡的惩罚 才算完整呢

Rebekah. I'd know that wicked tongue anywhere.

丽贝卡 我总能认出你的毒舌

Rebekah would never lower herself to wallow in your filth.

丽贝卡才不会自贬身价 跟你同流合污

Rebekah asked me if there was somewhere I could go to be happy.

丽贝卡问我 是否有什么地方我去了就会开心

Rebekah, you don't know where she is, and the only thing standing between you and our sister is this selfish fool.

丽贝卡 你们不知道她的下落 唯一拦在你们和妹妹之间的 就是这个自私的蠢货