

音标/读音 ['witʃiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 有魔力的, 迷人的

n. the use or practice of witchcraft



A witch did this, a witch can undo it.

女巫施的咒语 女巫可以解

You're a good witch, not a bad witch.

你是好女巫 不是坏女巫

So, I say we fight witches with witches.

要我说 我们用女巫来对抗女巫

Unfortunately, there are no books by witches only witch hunters.

不幸的是 巫师们从不写书 只有巫师猎手写的

We needed the blood of the witch she loved most, and you were not that witch.

我们需要她最爱的女巫的血 但那个女巫不是你

Thirteen witches were hanged here by witch hunters.


Because there were bogus witch hunts doesn't mean that there were no witches.

不能因为那些伪造的猎巫运动 就断定没有巫师存在

Witch killer, you will kill no witches tonight.

巫师杀手 你今晚休想得逞

Kill a witch, you lose your place among the witches.

你杀了一个巫师 就不再属于巫师团了

Salem is almost as sick of witch hunters as it is of witches.

在塞勒姆 巫师猎手和巫师一样令人厌恶