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◎ 单词释义

n. 天, 日子, 白天, 工作日
[医] 日(一昼夜), 昼, 白天

n. time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis
n. some point or period in time
n. a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance
n. the time after sunrise and before sunset while it is light outside



The day before that and the day before that and the day before that.

和前天一样 和之前的每天都一样

And the day before, and the day before that.

前天也吃了 大前天也吃了

But day after day went by, and day after day he wasn't caught, he wasn't captured.

但是一天天过去了 他还是没有被抓 他还是逍遥法外

Could be one day, two day, three day, four day.

可能要一天 两天 三天 四天

This is who you were day after day after day, but it's gone now.

这是曾经日复一日的你 但现在都不存在了

Day after day after day after day, over and over, you know, till he got me hooked hard.

日复一日 一次又一次 直到让我无法自拔

You just try to live through it, day after day after day.

只能忍 日复一日又一日地忍

Say you had a day to get there and a day to live the day.

假设你在路上要花一天时间 剩下一天时间享受

Wayway to live past day one, day ten, day 20, day 97.

能活过第一天 第十天 20天 97天

What day is it? It's your wedding day.

今天什么日子 今天你结婚