
音标/读音 ['dwelә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 居民

n a person who inhabits a particular place



Every society has its fringe dwellers, and every society fears its fringe dwellers.

每个社会都有边缘群体 每个社会都惧怕边缘群体

We wanted to live with the surface dwellers.


But the surface dwellers won't keep us down forever.


There is still hope for these extraordinary plains dwellers.


We can only acquire the bounty that is dumped from the cruel surface dwellers.

我们只能获得 冷酷的地上居民的丢弃物

33%, roughly, of new urban dwellers today live in slums.


What you have in this city is a situation where the realestate developers on the one hand and the slum dwellers on the other are actually carving out the design of the city.

这座城市目前的状况就是 一方面房地产商们在开发楼盘 另一方面贫民窟的居民们 在设计好的城市里继续拓荒

Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller, I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six.

会在水下吐出大大的气泡 肺活量巨大 住在冰水深处 我觉得 是一只五级的巨龙 也许会是六级

So we've seen animals that make their own light to communicate, but daytime land dwellers like us don't need to do that, because we've got a great big light in the sky.

所以我们看到动物通过发光来进行交流 但是像我们这样的陆地生物不需要这样 因为天上有个巨大的发光体