
音标/读音 ['sʌkiŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 吸奶的, 授乳的, 尚未断奶的, 乳臭未干的
[医] 吮, 吸; 吮的, 吮乳的

n. the act of sucking



And I know it sucks for you more than it sucks for me, but it still sucks.

我知道在这件事上 你比我更难受 但我也不好过

Well, this sucked for you, and it sucked for me.

你看着闹心 我演着也闹心

It sucks, it sucks so friggin' much. It sucks so friggin' much.

太糟 太*糟了 太*糟了

I'm not getting sucked in, I'm not getting sucked in.

我不會被吸進去的 我不會被吸進去的

Because she's the suckiest suck that ever sucked.

因为她左脸欠抽 右脸欠踹

Happy's evaporation vacuum machine is sucking as much air as it sucked before, but in this case, sucking is a really good thing.

乐乐的蒸发真空机 又开始像之前一样抽吸气了 这种情况下 抽吸真是件好事

If anybody's getting sucked, it's just me sucking myself in.

如果有人要被吸 那是我自己吸自己

That pretty much sucks. It definitely sucks.

明明很悲惨 是很悲惨啊

Honestly, the students suck, the classes suck.

老实说 学生垃圾 课也垃圾

Well, on a scale of great to sucked, it sucked mightily.

从精彩到糟糕划分等级的话 真是糟糕到家了