
音标/读音 [di'træktә(r)]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 毁损者, 贬低者

n. one who disparages or belittles the worth of something



Of course, you haven't been without your detractors.

当然 对您的工作也有批评者

While he had his detractors, he was always true to himself.

盡管有人詆毀他 他總是忠于自我

You gain support by killing your detractors.


You know, my father goes after his detractors.


A lot of your detractors are claiming shortcuts.


Detractors may commit seppuku for lacking bushido.

不从者 以不遵守武士道的罪名切腹

Until one of our detractors is charged with a crime, then...we become their best friend.

但当指责我们的某人被控犯罪时 我们却成为了他们最好的朋友

I need to announce that we're missing a number of contrapulators and an expensive unilateral phase detractor.

我得宣布一件事 我们遗失了一些高级设备 和一件昂贵的单向诽谤器