
音标/读音 [dis'maunt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. (使)下马
[计] 卸除卷

n. the act of dismounting (a horse or bike etc.)



Come on, baby. It's all about the di*ount.

加油 宝贝 一闭眼就下去了

I'm gonna have to mark you down on the di*ount.


I underrotated my di*ount and snapped both of my ankles.

下平衡木时旋转过少 摔断了足踝

Man, we gotta work on your di*ounts.

伙计 你得好好练练下马的姿势

He's still a little shaky on the di*ount, but he'll get there.

他下扶梯的时候还是有点悬 不过他会克服的

We do have the di*ount done up there, but I figure we save that for the extraction.

我们还有从车上拿回来的装备 但我觉得最好留到撤离时才用

Grab the di*ount and get the rest of the ammo up to the roof.

拿上装备 把剩下的弹药运到屋顶上去

What I was demonstrating there was a classic horse warfare combat di*ount.

我那是在展示 骑马作战时的下马动作