
音标/读音 ['sәulәuist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 独奏者, 独唱者

n. a musician who performs a solo



I'm about to be promoted to soloist.


and it would be cool to be the only soloist in my category.


Just because I am the only soloist in my division.


Terekhova had previously been a classical soloist.


These two soloists going headtohead is gonna be tough.


There's gonna come a time in your future where you need to be the soloist.

未来总有一天 你需要成为主角

So gimme your guest list, I'll work on your vows, and I will follow up with the soloist.

快把客人名单给我 我来写誓词 然后我再去找独奏乐手

I was relentless about getting him to form a quartet, but he yearned, as they always do, to become a soloist.

我不厌其烦地请他组建四重奏乐队 但是他跟多数人一样 希望成为独奏者

As a soloist, you rehearse with an orchestra three, maybe four times, and perform the piece once or twice.

作为独奏者 你只能与一支乐队排练三四次 并且演奏这首曲子一到两次

I connect the first violin, which tends to be the soloist's part, with the viola and cello, which just flow... right underneath the surface.

我将独奏的第一小提琴手 与中提琴和大提琴手联合成一个整体 让他们的演奏平缓贯穿整个演出