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◎ 单词释义

v. 剥去法衣, 解除僧职( defrock的过去式和过去分词 )

v divest of the frock; of church officials



If ever he was a captain he's been defrocked.

就算他曾是上校 也已经被免职了

I'd offer to take it, but what with the defrocking, and all.

我倒是想帮你 可是我被开除圣职了

You've been defrocked, di*issed from the clerical state.

你被免去圣职 被从牧师岗位撤下

That's why I didn't mind so much when they defrocked us.

所以他们免去我们的圣职时 我不太介意

Defrock him and let him rot in a cell.

去掉他身上的神秘色彩 让他烂在牢里