
音标/读音 ['ævәlɑ:ntʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 雪崩, 山崩, 大量
vi. 崩塌
vt. 大量涌至

n. a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain
n. a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things
v. gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow



This discovery, that the snow at the top of the avalanche isn't the snow that reaches the bottom, could have major implications for our understanding of how far and fast avalanches travel.

这一发现 即雪崩顶部的雪 并非落到底部的雪 对于我们理解 雪崩运行的距离和速度很有价值

It's certainly an avalanche you wouldn't want to be in.


Anyway, it was peasized, trackable through an avalanche.

言归正传 那个只有豆那么大 遭遇雪崩也不影响其追踪性能

So, here we are, about to set off an avalanche just there, on that mountain.

因此我们来到这里 即将引发一场雪崩 就在那里 在那座山上

It's like perfect conditions for the avalanche.


This is the fatal flaw in our understanding of avalanches.


And they don't need to be worrying about things like avalanches.

而不是担心 雪崩之类的危险

I was irritated by all this avalanche of attacks, especially against me and the police.

我被那些四面八方而来的攻击指责激怒了 特别是针对我和警局的

There was no way of keeping track of the children in the avalanche.

雪崩后根本没办法找到 那些孩子们

It's one of the reasons avalanches are so hard to predict.
