
音标/读音 ['piŋiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义


v hit with a pinging noise
v sound like a car engine that is firing too early
v make a short high-pitched sound
v contact, usually in order to remind of something
v send a message from one computer to another to check whether it is reachable and active



I want to hear a little ping, ping, ping coming from this direction.


Right away we heard the very strong "ping, ping," so we carried on down to the river.

我们马上听到了强烈的"砰砰"声 所以我们沿河向下继续开

Riley tracker pings every five minutes, and the last four pings showed her heading this way.

莱丽的追踪器每五分钟发一次信号 前四个信号表明她在往这边走

It pinged because of what's attached to it.


This did not ping because of a server.


Let's ping it, see where it came from.

定位一下 看看是从哪儿发出来的

Yeah, I'm here. I pinged your phone.

是的 我在 我已经标记了你的电话

But I have the cell tower it pinged off of.


We pinged your car to this location.


I've pinged his phone; he's in the wind.

我定位了他的手机 没有踪影