
音标/读音 ['mʌʃi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 浓粥状的, 含糊不清, 感伤的

s. having the consistency of mush



The last few I've had have been real mushy.


I don't care if you're mushy and shapeless.


Do not say something mushy and ruin this.


Carrie, you know I'm not mushy, but you matter to me.

凯莉 你知道我不是多愁善感的人 但你对我很重要

And that mushy stuff is nothing I haven't heard before.


Not to be all mushy, cuz, but I wasn't sure we'd see you again.

不是我肉麻 表哥 但我之前都怕見不到你了

He's all prickly on the outside but mushy on the inside.

外面全是刺 里面黏糊着呢[多愁善感]

If I had to make one critici*, it's that the crust is too mushy.

一定要我挑毛病的话 玉米皮有点潮了

I'll come up with something mushy, you'll cry, we got this.

我会想出一些伤感的话弄哭你 这很好办

Before you go all mushy on me, I'm gonna get outta here.

在你情感迸发之前 我先撤了