
音标/读音 ['wә:k.steiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 工作站
[计] 工作站

n. a desktop digital computer that is conventionally considered to be more powerful than a microcomputer



Maybe we should sit at separate workstations.


All personnel, please remain at your workstation.


The images we recovered from your mother's workstation.


They gave me your workstation and people started calling me that on their own.

他们把你的工作站给我了 人们就开始自己这样称呼我了

Number one is dealing, and this appears to be his workstation.

嫌疑人在交易 看来这是他的工作点

There's a sample tray at your workstation with just a spleen in it.

你的工作台上 有一个托盘里装着一个脾脏

I'll need a tacop workstation installed in my room.


Please select a workstation, get familiar with it.

请找个工作位 尽快熟悉环境

It was just workstations to the left and then there was a supply cabinet right here.

左边那里曾有几张工作台 然后这里 曾有个办公用品橱柜

They're images recovered from your mother's workstation at the dig site.

它们是在挖掘现场从你母亲的工作站上 恢复的图像