
音标/读音 [bæs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 低沉的声音, 男低音, 椴树
a. 低音的

n. the lowest part of the musical range
n. the lowest part in polyphonic music
n. an adult male singer with the lowest voice
n. the lowest adult male singing voice



Second bassoon, bass trombones, with the basses.

第二大管 低音长号 和低音提琴

We're out of the sea bass, so, apologies for that.

海鲈鱼卖光了 非常抱歉

First of all, take that bass out your voice.

首先 别那么阴沉地说话

I'll push the bass on it, get it pumping.

我会加重贝斯 更有力量

That he was a pretty good bass player.


All the time! I like that, but with bass in your voice.

爽下去 我喜欢 不过声音再低点儿

You play the guitar by themselves, then you and the bass come in.

你先听他们弹 然后你和贝斯加进来

Our bass player's he's kind of a genius.

我们的贝斯手 他可算是个天才

Taught me how to play bass, talk to women.

他教我弹贝斯 教我怎么跟女孩搭讪

The joke was they always watched the bass player.

可笑的是 他们常常只关注贝斯手