

音标/读音 ['autri^ә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 舷外支架, 突出的梁,桁等

n. a stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or float parallel to the hull



Kono's outrigger doesn't stand a chance in those conditions.


With few trees on the island, their wooden outrigger canoes are treasured items.

岛上的树木很少 因此木制浮架独木舟尤为珍贵

The captain glides across the swaying outrigger, instructed me to fasten the net at each of the corners.

船长滑过摇晃的舷外托架 指导我把渔网固定在各个角落

We have an outrigger you see that large canoe standing by, for anyone who wants to go, but no one ever does.

我们做了艘筏子 就是这准备好的大独木舟 想走的人能驾船离开 但从来没有人离开过

I've even heard of a brave snake who swam a great distance to carry an apple to a certain outrigger.

我甚至还听说有一条勇敢的蛇 游了很远很远 将一个苹果送到了一艘筏子上

I'm determined to finish lashing my nets to the outriggers, and prove to the captain that I can pull my weight, even if that's double his own.

但我决心要把网固定在舷外托架上 并向船长证明 我能完成任务[拉动体重] 即使我是他的两倍重