
音标/读音 ['rʌdәlis]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 无指导的, 无舵的

s aimlessly drifting



I've been rudderless, and now I have a purpose.

我从前漫无目的 现在有了

If he feels rudderless now, we could risk a backslide.

如果他现在感到迷茫无助 可能就会故态复萌

I am a rudderless burning large garbage barge.


Strigoi roaming the streets, still feeding, but rudderless.

返魂尸仍在街头进食 但群龙无首

I was terrified for a while you know, how she'd turn out she was rudderless, single mom, dropped out of school.

我之前一直很担心 她会成长成什么样的人 没人引导 单身母亲 中途辍学

You know, this whole building is full of people who feel they didn't fit in or couldn't do anything right or felt rudderless at some point in their lives.

你知道 这间车库里有很多人都认为 他们无从适应或者什么事都做不好 或者在他们人生的某个时间感到茫然无措

I mean, it is an epic story to be the father of a son who almost made it to the majors, only to suffer a careerending injury and then be rudderless for years.

做这样的父亲简直是传奇 儿子当初都要打公开赛了 却因伤结束职业生涯 之后多年迷失方向