
音标/读音 [ri'peimәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 付还, 偿还, 报复, 付还的钱
[经] 偿还, 付还

n. payment of a debt or obligation



The only way you can repay me is the way you should repay me.

做你应该做的 就是你能补偿我的唯一方式

It's the least I can do to repay you, you know, for the the last time I tried to repay you.

至少当是我的补偿 为了 为了上次我想补偿你弄出的事

We are repaying them for what they do for the pilgrims.


I thought I should do something to repay you.


I'll never be able to repay you for what you're doing.

你做的事 我永远都无法报答

I was trying to help you and this is how you repay me.

我在试着帮助你 而这是你回报我的方式

I am honoured to be able to repay it.


And he repays me by marrying in the gutter.


I'll only take it if you allow me to repay you.

只有你接受我的回报 我才会拿走一些烟草

Marty, you you wanna repay me, here's what you do.

马蒂 你想报答我的话 你要这么做