
音标/读音 ['leiɒf]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 临时解雇, 操作停止, 活动停止期间

n. the act of laying off an employee or a work force



15% layoffs across all departments to offset our losses.

在所有部门裁减15%的人手 来弥补我们的损失

Man, I was hearing all last week that there might be layoffs.

我上周一直听说 可能要裁员了

With all the layoffs, they've got me, the traffic guy, on the science beat.

裁了那么多人 他們就找到了我 交通記者主持科學頻道

It's just, uh... my friends heard that there are gonna be layoffs, and they're freaking out.

只是...我的朋友们听说 可能会有人被解雇 他们很害怕

Since all I seem to be dealing with this year are budget cuts and layoffs.

从我今年一直在处理 预算缩减和裁员开始

I give the guy credit for giving it a shot but we're talking about a five year layoff here.

我欣赏这家伙敢于尝试的勇气 但他已经五年没有比赛了

Amazon has agreed to no layoffs, and they'll even provide retention bonuses for a period of two years.

亚马逊已经同意不裁员 甚至提供 为期两年的留任奖金

The week leading up to the layoffs, there were a lot of closeddoor meetings, but all our rooms are glass, so there were a lotta suits.

裁员前一周 举行了很多闭门会议 但会议室都是玻璃墙 很多人穿着西装

Pop, a merger means, what, new board, new corporate structure, redundancies that lead to layoffs.

爸 合并是什么 新董事會 新的公司架構 人員過多不得不裁員