
音标/读音 ['ʌnbi'nәunst]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义


s (usually used with `to') occurring or existing without the knowledge of
r without someone's knowledge



And a vial of my virus compound which I secreted away, unbeknownst to my captors.

以及一管我的病毒化合物 是我偷偷藏起来的 抓住我的人不知道

Baxter has installed his lover in her own firstclass stateroom under a pseudonym unbeknownst to his family.

巴克斯特背着家人 用假名字 给他的小情人定了头等舱

He was in my house with the boy, and with my wife, unbeknownst to me, after he had made a vow to leave the little one be.

他在我家 哄我儿子 陪我妻子 而我全然不知 他明明发誓不会再来找那孩子

Unbeknownst to anyone except our mysterious deextinctionist, the animals were not pregnant with zebras but with quaggas.

除了我们神秘的人工再造学家 没人知道它们肚子里不是斑马而是斑驴

All them scientists so pleased with themselves that unbeknownst to y'all, a power surge goes and blows it all to hell.

所有科学家都对自己很满意 但你们不知道是 一股能量涌动把一切都摧毁了

I'm lighter than *ing... I'm lighter than hydrogen, which is, unbeknownst to many, even lighter than helium.

我比... 我比氢气还轻 很多人不知道 氢气甚至比氦气更轻

Meanwhile, on the other side of this wall, unbeknownst to you, guess who's in the studio/kitchen practicing fingerpicking and making you chilaquiles.

同时 在墙的另一侧 你肯定想不到是谁在工作室兼厨房里 边练习吉他指法边给你做鸡肉炒饼

Unbeknownst to his superiors, that relationship, which started as guarded attraction, quickly evolved into passion, which resulted in pregnancy.

他的上级并不知道 这段关系 一开始只是 有所防备地被吸引 但迅速变得充满* 并最终导致了身孕