
音标/读音 [sәb'skraib]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 捐献, 签署
vi. 赞成, 同意, 捐款, 预订, 认购
[计] 订阅

v. offer to buy, as of stocks and shares
v. adopt as a belief
v. receive or obtain regularly



Netflix lost 880,000 subscribers, almost a million subscribers.

网飞失去了八十八万用户 将近一百万了

This is a live subscriber count, so it kind of just tracks how many subscribers you gain, whatever you lose.

这是个实时粉丝计数器 记录你的粉丝涨了多少 掉了多少

If I have fewest, I subscribe in silence.

如果我得到的花少 我就认输

Be sure to subscribe to my channel, brahs.

记得订阅我的频道哦 朋友们

I'm big draw and darling of subscriber.

我是吸引观众的利器 赞助商的宠儿

Not a problem. I always have time for our subscribers.

没问题 我总是有时间接见我们的读者

I am a modern man. I do not subscribe to labels.

我是现代才俊 我才不怕被贴标签

I could probably hit a million subscribers.


But only if you subscribe to a specific way of thinking.


Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe.

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