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◎ 单词释义

a. 甲基化的, 加入甲醇的

a. having received a methyl group



Methyl ethyl ketone. It's a solvent.

甲基乙基酮 是一种溶剂

It's rare around here, and I believe the methyl in the superglue ignited this rash.

在这儿很稀少 我觉得是强力胶引起了这些红疹

Just a scruffy white drifter who *elled like methylated spirits.


I identified trace amounts of methyl aldehyde in the delivery system, aka formaldehyde.

我在缓释系统中发现了 少量的甲醛 也就是福尔马林

They found fresh dirt on the tires with traces of arsenic, lead and methyl chloride.

轮胎上有新鲜泥土 其中含有砷 铅 还有氯甲烷

You were the cutout, you deliver the boat, he shoots you, and 300 gallons of burning methyl chloride cleans up the mess.

你来当替死鬼 把船送到 然后他给你一枪 300加仑燃烧的氯甲烷就能毁尸灭迹

At first, ‭I thought it was alien radiation markers I've never seen, foreign methyl groups.

一开始我以为是什么外星人 上面有我从没见过的辐射标记 还有外来的甲基原子团