
音标/读音 ['ri:'mætʃ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 复赛, 重赛

n something (especially a game) that is played again



That is, if you're still up for a rematch.


At least that rematch would have been more even.


But I could give it back... for a rematch.

但我可以还给你 只要重赛

You can't leave. I demand a rematch.

你不能走 我要求重新比过

If you wanted a rematch, all you had to do was ask.

如果你想重新比划比划 开口就行

If she wants a rematch, I say bring it on.

她若有意再战 我必奉陪到底

And I am going to leave before you challenge me to a rematch.

趁你没要求重赛 我赶紧回家吧

I was thinking perhaps we could have a rematch tonight.

我在想 也许我们今晚可以重赛了

I thought, maybe I will give you that rematch.

我觉得 也许我愿意和你来一场复赛

All right, I want a rematch, buddy, tomorrow.

聽好 明天再戰 兄弟