
音标/读音 ['flipiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adj .讨厌之极的

v lightly throw to see which side comes up
v cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation
v look through a book or other written material
v toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air
v cause to move with a flick
v throw or toss with a light motion
v move with a flick or light motion
v turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse
v react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way
v go mad, go crazy
v reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)



And when she doesn't flip, you're gonna flip.

它要是翻不動了 你就慘了

We reach out and reach out and reach out, flipping and flipping and flipping switches like a goddamn monkey to see if something clicks.

我们不断和外界取得联系 不断地切换开关 就像个傻猴子等着看是否有回音

Mayor's flipping out on the superintendent, who's flipping out on the chief.

市长对警司指手画脚大发脾气呢 警司又把火撒到局长身上了

No, no, I'm good. I can flip it up, I can flip it down.

不不 我不饿 快让本大厨给你露一手

He's bad at flip cup. I'm bad at flip cup.

他翻杯游戏玩得超烂 翻杯我超烂

Yeah, no, you can stop flipping me off because you should flip off, so shut the * up.

没错 不用在那对我竖中指了 一边歇着去吧 闭上你的嘴

I'm just flipping switches, you know, seeing what lights come on, and right now, that's a switch I can't flip.

我只是在拨动开关 看看哪些灯会亮 而现在 那个开关我拨不动

I think if we flip these babies around and throw get our paint on 'em, they're gonna dry, and then we can flip 'em back around and put our our strings on while they're kinda drying.

我觉得如果把它们转过去 然后在上面涂点颜料 颜料会干 然后再把它们转回来 在颜料快干的时候把绳子放在上面

She would flip if she knew that I was here with you.

如果她知道我正和你在一起 她会乐疯的

I'm not being flip, that's the truth.

我不是在开玩笑 这是事实