
音标/读音 [pә:]
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◎ 单词释义

v. 呼噜呼噜叫, 发出喉音
n. 呼噜呼噜声

n. a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat
v. indicate pleasure by purring; characteristic of cats



At the top, we've got the solicitation purr and down below, we've got the nonsolicitation purr.

在顶端的是乞求式咕噜 在底部的是非乞求式咕噜

But scientists are particularly interested in another type of purr, the socalled solicitation purr.

然而科学家对另外一种咕噜声 十分感兴趣 即所谓的乞求式咕噜声

Both of these are lowfrequency purrs, but what particularly stands out quite clearly is that complete standout peak you can see with a solicitation purr.

他们都是低频咕噜声 但让人非常注意的 是乞求式咕噜 一个完整的峰值

You don't see that at all in the nonsolicitation purr.


林肯大学 the length of those purr bouts.

奥利弗·布曼博士 在不断变化

By his purrs, I know more or less what he wants.


Sarah's colleague examines the frequencies of the purrs.


It focuses on two different types of purr.


Oh, I could just curl up in your lap and purr.


And there's a surprising reason why we react so strongly to this frequency in the purrs.

我们对这种频率的反应很大 其原因十分令人惊讶