
音标/读音 [dai'æmitә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 直径
[医] 直经, 径

n. the length of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two points on the circumference
n. a straight line connecting the center of a circle with two points on its perimeter (or the center of a sphere with two points on its surface)



The birth c* is about ten centimetres in diameter, the baby's head is about nine centimetres in diameter.

产道的直径大概是10厘米 而宝宝的头直径有9厘米

These are actually pebbles that are a few centimetres in diameter.

这些其实是 直径几厘米的小石头

The diameter of the restraint is three inches.

镣铐的直径 是7.6厘米

You measured the diameter of his suspicious mole yesterday.


Ask her what's the ratio of the diameter of the record to the circumference.

问问她 唱片 周长与直径的比是多少

It's also between 12 and 18 inches in diameter.


This is 150km in diameter, so a really big feature.

它直径有150千米 面积巨大

Diameter of the trash island: 1600 feet.

垃圾岛直径 1600英尺

The length and diameter of its head constantly changes.


There were a few *all spatters less than an inch in diameter.

有几处溅出的血滴 直径不到三厘米