
音标/读音 [fɒks]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 狐狸, 狡猾的人
vi. 奸狡地行动, (书页)生斑, 变酸
vt. 欺骗, 使变酸, 为(鞋等)换面, 使生黄斑

n. alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail; most are predators that do not hunt in packs
n. the grey or reddish-brown fur of a fox
n. English statesman who supported American independence and the French Revolution (1749-1806)
n. English religious leader who founded the Society of Friends (1624-1691)



He's a fox, and foxes have a predictable nature.

他是只狐狸 狐狸天性狡猾

To you, I am nothing more than a fox like 100,000 foxes.

对你来说 我也只是成千上万狐狸中的一只

If the man leaves the fox and the rabbit alone, the fox is gonna eat the rabbit, and the same for the rabbit and the cabbage.

如果他留下狐狸和兔子 狐狸就会吃了兔子 同理兔子也会吃了卷心菜

And... and also, from then on, foxes, uh, were not known for being you know, having beefy muscles and long, flowy fox hair.

而且自那以后 狐狸 有名的特点就不再是 健硕的肌肉 和飘逸的长狐狸毛

And it seemed like every time we went hiking, we'd come across a fox trap, an empty one, after the fox had gnawed off his leg.

似乎每次我们去远足的时候 都会遇到捕狐狸的陷阱 空的 因为狐狸... 咬断了自己的腿

You're a total fox! I would do you! I would.

你就是个尤物啊 我会上你的 真的

The struggle between the fox and the human.

在人和狐妖之间 摇摆不定

Einstein is a fox and we have him up a tree.

爱因斯坦是只狡猾的狐狸 我们把他困在了树上

The fox was out of the cage and the hunt was on.

狐狸出笼了 狩猎开始了

Now, I'm hoping that it was a fox that did that.

现在 我希望那只是一只狐狸干的