
音标/读音 ['ɑ:snәl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 兵工厂, 军械库
[机] 兵工厂

n. all the weapons and equipment that a country has
n. a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms



He had an unregistered suppressor in his arsenal.


Trust me, I have an arsenal of cuteness.

相信我 我有庞大的可爱图片库存

It's a very impressive arsenal you have here, captain.

你这里的武器库非常棒 上尉

John, let's determine the status of our arsenal.

约翰 我们来确定一下 我们的军火库的状态

You were just another weapon in his arsenal.


If it is so, I fear what else lurks in their arsenal.

如果是 真不知他们还有什么武器

Ivy broke him out and gave him an arsenal.

艾薇解救了他 还给了他枪

Well, I figured I'd start with what's in my arsenal.


For that, you'll need a weapon, and it just so happens I have an arsenal.

这样的话 你需要一个武器 正好我有个武器库

Now they're free to build a nuclear arsenal.
